[Icarus Productions] - Click for main page The team Projects Articles Features
Who is Icarus Productions?
Icarus Productions can be considered a virtual company. We do have members from all parts of the world, including Austria, Finland, France, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Even though the organization of projects is somewhat hindered by the distance between the individual members, this is undoubtedly made up again by the fact that we can freely choose among some of the best coders from all over the world.
We actually have endeavours to become a real company in order to appear more professional.

What is Icarus Productions currently up to?
At the moment, we are working on two games for the Nintendo Game Boy ColorTM. This includes a completely new version of our previously released Sqrxz, and another game, still secret. We are still searching a publisher for these two games, so please contact us if you can help us further. Of course, both will provide a visual feast, great game play and pleasent music, as already hinted out in our first few public domain Game Boy Color programs.
Our almost daily news service provides you with up-to-date information about our current activities.

Page last updated on Fri Aug 06 17:50:52 1999 E-mail us!Top of page