| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to root directory |
| asm | folder | | DOS Assembly Utilities |
| graphics | folder | | DOS Graphics Utilities |
| link | folder | | DOS Link Software |
 | 82lock.zip | 9k | 97-08-16 |  | 82lock, edit locks .82p files Program to editlock 82p files |
 | 83asm.zip | 85k | 03-12-28 |  | 83(+) Program Compiler Tired of searching around for a compiler that actually works? Then this is the compiler for you! Includes in-depth instructions on how to install, setup, and compile your programs easier than anything else out there! It actually works (I use it myself) and it is very easy to use (not to mention it takes up a very small amount of space) It even helps you structure your programs so they work correctly! This is the compiler for you! |
 | 85emu2.zip | 35k | 97-07-24 |  | TI-85 emulator v2.01 |
 | 85emusrc.zip | 52k | 97-07-24 |  | Source to TI-85 emulator |
 | 85font.com | 4k | 97-07-24 |  | TI-85 character set |
 | 85splice.zip | 27k | 97-11-02 |  | 85Splice 0.9 Beta |
 | 8_ptobin.zip | 7k | 02-04-05 |  | 8_ptobin Converter Converts .83p, .8xp and .86p files to .bin files on your PC. |
 | 92bver.zip | 3k | 97-08-21 |  | TI-92 Backup Version v0.1a |
 | addvar85.zip | 37k | 98-08-16 |  | AddVar85 Adds *.85? files to a TI-85 ROM image to be used by an emulator. |
 | addvar86.zip | 35k | 98-08-16 |  | AddVar86 Adds *.86? files to a TI-86 ROM image to be used by an emulator. |
 | alpha.zip | 4k | 02-11-25 |  | project: ALPHA Calc to ASCII converter |
 | ariopt.zip | 183k | 01-01-04 |  | ROMcall optimizer A program that will rewrite the romcall part of your ti83asm.inc to modify the indexed addresses of the romcalls to your ti, saving speed (saves 27 clockcycles per romcall). Every ASM program will run faster, without too much trouble. |
 | arpgcs_sp1.zip | 17k | 00-04-03 |  | ARPG Construction Kit - Service Pack 1 This is a quick update the the ARPG Construction set ; fixes one potential nasty problem, one small bug and a utility to rename the ION description |
 | arpgsrc.zip | 177k | 00-05-07 |  | ARPG Construction Set Source Build tree for the ARPG Construction Set |
 | ascii81p.zip | 13k | 97-07-13 |  | TI-81 Program File <-> ASCII Converter v1.01 |
 | ascii82p.zip | 17k | 97-07-13 |  | TI-82 Program File <-> ASCII Converter v1.05 |
 | ascii85p.zip | 15k | 97-07-13 |  | TI-85 Program File <-> ASCII Converter v1.02 |
 | bin28xp.zip | 7k | 06-02-10 |  | BIN28XP BIN28XP converts raw binary files that contain assembled Z80-Code into the 8XP Format for use with TI-83+ calculators. It allows user-defined comments and to protect the resultant file from editing with PRGM. |
 | bin2dec.zip | 92k | 02-05-13 |  | Binary2Decimal Converter This is a simple program to convert an 8-bit binary number to decimal form. Usefull for ASM programming. Future releas will include decimal to binary converter. |
 | bin8xdos.zip | 26k | 01-02-08 |  | Bin8x v1.2 TI-83/TI83 Plus squisher with a lot of extra options, autodetection, and devpac compatibility... download it and try it. |
 | chname8x.zip | 45k | 01-06-06 |  | CHange NAME 8x 8(2|3|x)p name changer This program can change the on-calc name of the program in any 82p, 83p of 8xp file. |
 | dbook68k.zip | 26k | 03-10-23 |  | DBook68k SDK (TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, V200) This helps develop dbooks for use with DBook68k. It's practically idiot proof, so feel free to play with it. |
 | decal.zip | 34k | 98-10-19 |  | deCAL v1.00 Fixes problems creating 86x files with CAL. Source code may be released in next version. |
 | devpac8x.zip | 2k | 00-05-15 |  | Devpac8x Devpac8x is the update to Devpac83 which turned bin files to 83p. Devpac8x turns bin files into 8xp which can now be loaded into the flash simulator |
 | devpc.zip | 19k | 98-09-12 |  | Ti Word 98 Developer's Package PC Edition v1.0 |
 | doslck10.zip | 34k | 97-07-24 |  | Edit-(un)locks TI-82 and TI-85 program files |
 | dostig07.zip | 175k | 97-08-21 |  | Tiger 0.7 Beta, TI-92 Emulator |
 | dump_rom.zip | 13k | 97-07-24 |  | ROM dumping program for use with TI-85 emulator |
 | e2emu32.zip | 57k | 99-03-04 |  | E2Emu32 v00.002.088.dos32.b |
 | e92v01.zip | 99k | 97-08-05 |  | Emu-92 v0.1, TI-92 Emulator |
 | edit85.zip | 138k | 97-07-24 |  | EDIT-85 v1.00 - TI-85 program editor |
 | edprot.zip | 57k | 97-10-22 |  | Edit Protect - Unlocks/Locks TI-82/83 Programs |
 | emu83.zip | 84k | 98-04-26 |  | EMU83 v0.2 (TI-83 emulator) |
 | file92.zip | 17k | 97-08-21 |  | File92, TI-92 Backup Version Checker |
 | fixit83.zip | 41k | 04-03-13 |  | 83 to 89 Converter Read Readme. |
 | fracexpd.zip | 25k | 03-10-23 |  | Colorful Fraction Expander This totally outclasses my TI versions. It can expand a fractions to literally zillions of decimal places. ALso, as an added bonus, it generates a .txt file with the answer. Each screen can be filled with 124,000 decimal places, represented by each pixel and it's color (depending on 0-9). QBasic source included. |
 | generate_os.zip | 17k | 04-08-10 |  | Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator Operating System The fun of Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator returns with this complete operating system, handwritten in x86 assembly. This is the epitome of must-download files. |
 | groupit8.zip | 40k | 98-10-19 |  | Group It 8x v1.0 Group files into a .8xg file |
 | ldk.zip | 50k | 00-03-02 |  | LDK for Lode Runner 83 Level Development Kit for Lode Runner 83 (DOS) |
 | liblst13.zip | 34k | 98-01-12 |  | Liblist 1.3 - Lists required libraries (Fargo) |
 | list85.zip | 3k | 97-07-24 |  | List TI-85 Variable Files with Descriptions |
 | lite86p2.zip | 28k | 00-04-09 |  | Lite86² v1.0 Similar to Lite86, Lite8² compresses your assembly programs/data. This version |
 | lock85.zip | 6k | 97-07-24 |  | Edit-locks TI-85 program files |
 | makefont.zip | 20k | 01-09-09 |  | MakeFont v0.5 Converts bitmap images of a font set into C code for #include in any C program |
 | makenotes.zip | 167k | 01-12-16 |  | Make Notes v0.1 Make Notes is designed to make making notes for the Ti-86 graphics calculator simple. Users simply input text at a dos prompt and the program spits out a notes program to send to your graphics calculator. The program has 9 menu items with 10 lines of text to each menu item. Users scroll through menu items using the number keys. |
 | makesong.zip | 23k | 97-12-07 |  | MakeSong for Song Player 1.0 |
 | mathematica.exe | 28k | 00-04-04 |  | Mathematica Use your calculator using this simulated CAS. |
 | mceditor.zip | 25k | 98-09-18 |  | MegaCar v1.0 Track Editor Track editor for MegaCar v1.0. |
 | midi68k.zip | 148k | 02-07-23 |  | Midi68k v0.55 This is a DOS/console program that can convert simple MIDI files into .c files for use with TIGCC. The files are amazingly small! For example, see the "lostday" example. This file is more than 4 minutes long, and the executable is less than 6k! Midi68k can only be used on TYPE 0 (single track) MIDI files. Also, chords aren't really supported. This means that only one note can play at a time. This is because the calculator is monophonic. When Midi68k finds a chord, it skips all notes in it besides the first one. Also, there can't be more than one channel in the Type-0 file. Use TIGCC (http://tigcc.ticalc.org) to compile the resulting file into an .89z that can be sent to a calculator. Rests, tempo, time signature, and key signature are all supported. The source code is included and includes many comments. Thanks to François Leiber for the calculator sound code used, and Günter Nagler for Midi2txt, which converts MIDI files to a text format that Midi68k uses. Version v0.55 has updates to the calc sound code to make it compatible with VTI's sound feature. |
 | orzuned.zip | 38k | 97-10-27 |  | Orzunoid Level Editor 0.2 |
 | ostools.zip | 81k | 04-09-02 |  | TI-83+ OS Tools Three programs that are useful in creating both Apps and OS's for the 83+/84+/73: multihex, a program to add page headers to your hex files; rompatch, a program to install TI-Hex files into a binary ROM image; and packxxu, a program to generate 8XU and 73U files. |
 | parflash2.zip | 37k | 00-11-09 |  | Parallel Flasher This program allows you to update your TI-89, install flash applications using parallel link cable. It now works with TIB Receiver. |
 | parflash.zip | 36k | 99-12-25 |  | Parallel Flasher This program allows you to update your TI-89, install flash applications using parallel link cable. |
 | parflsh.zip | 46k | 00-10-20 |  | Parallel Flasher This program allows you to update your TI-89, install flash applications using parallel link cable. |
 | pc2ti92.zip | 10k | 98-09-09 |  | BIN292S v1.0 and TXT292T v1.0 Converts bin files to strings and text files to TI-92 text file variables. |
 | pc81.zip | 80k | 98-04-25 |  | PC-81 v1.1 (TI-81 emulator) |
 | peng8283.zip | 31k | 98-02-12 |  | Penguins Level Converter 83 -> 82 |
 | peng8386.zip | 3k | 97-08-24 |  | Penguins Level Converter 83 <-> 86 v1.2 |
 | prot92p.zip | 29k | 02-09-27 |  | Protector 92+ Protects TI-92+, 92 and 89 basic code from being edited or viewed |
 | reader92.zip | 12k | 98-04-18 |  | Reader92 v4.0 (information on .92? files) Give informations about the .92 files, recognize Fargo programs and libraries |
 | sndlib.zip | 147k | 99-07-12 |  | Sndlib Program v0.15 Write Music For Sndlib. |
 | sound08b.zip | 4k | 97-05-14 |  | TI-92 Sound Simulator for PC-Speaker 0.8 Beta |
 | sound85.zip | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Play TI-85 sound through a computer via parallel link |
 | spiderconv.zip | 1k | 02-06-02 |  | Spider Convertor 0.5 Convert HTML documents (web pages) in TI-83 or TI-83 Plus strings. |
 | sqlvl.zip | 40k | 98-07-04 |  | TI-8x Sqrxz Level Conversion Kit v1.1 |
 | statchecker.zip | 1k | 06-03-28 |  | TiCalc.org Stat Checker. Get your ticalc.org stats fresh every morning...or someone elses for that matter....doesn't even have to be morning time really. just whenever you feel like it you can view all information about a given author ID#. pretty cool huh? |
 | supedit.zip | 33k | 99-09-20 |  | SupEdit v1.0 Track editor for SuperCar. |
 | tbosdk3.zip | 113k | 00-06-27 |  | TurboBreakOut68k v1.80 SDK (French) The french SDK of TurboBreakOut68k v1.80, to help you to build your own levels. |
 | ti86v03.zip | 91k | 97-12-21 |  | TI-86 Emulator 0.3 |
 | ti8xccd.zip | 769k | 01-01-29 |  | Ti8xcc v1.10 Developers Edition Z80 based Ti C-compiler Added 'lots' of stuff during summer-holidays 2000, its called Developers Edition because I didn't take the time to get things "beautified" so you will need to look a bit around for yourself to get things done at the first time. Don't think I'm going to update this compiler, but you can always add things. It would be nice to hear what, but.... |
 | ti8xemu.zip | 136k | 02-05-12 |  | TI-8X emulator v0.4 Emulates the 82, 83, 85, and 86 in one program |
 | ti92tc.zip | 35k | 23-03-16 |  | TI-92 Text Conversion v1.01 TI 92 Text Conversion |
 | ti92text.zip | 13k | 97-10-03 |  | TI-92 Text .92t <-> PC Text Conversion v1.4 |
 | tibasic.zip | 30k | 03-12-24 |  | TI-Basic Porter (All TI Models) This has nice intro graphics, works perfectly, and can port to ALL TI's in a single run. There may be some post-port work concerning commas, but that should still shave HOURS off normal porting. There is still no support for the menu systems of any TI, so those still have to be done by hand. Most other common commands, even link commands, are supprted. If you have a suggestion, want to see the source, or have a useful comment please email me :-) The biggest and best improvement is that it generates much smaller .htm files and no longer has to deal with hundreds of extra ", only 2. |
 | ti-custm.zip | 6k | 97-07-14 |  | Modifies CUSTM pointers in TI-85 (85B) backup files |
 | tihonker.zip | 8k | 00-07-26 |  | Tihonker v0.2 Emulate a speaker/headphone connection on ti-8x using parallel link and pc-speaker |
 | timenu.zip | 10k | 04-06-18 |  | TI-Basic Menu Creator This lets you create TI-Basic menus within the DOS environment and have them written FOR YOU in a text file (MENU.TXT). Please excuse the current limits; the compiler was made in 1989 and I'm just picking up C again. Look forward to various 68k Basic menu structures being supported in the near future. |
 | tisndsim.zip | 33k | 97-04-27 |  | TI-92 Fargo Music Simulator |
 | titext.zip | 31k | 03-03-07 |  | TIText v1.5 Updated version of Ti92Text v1.4 to add support for TI-89 and TI-92 Plus. Converts between PC text files and calculator text variables. |
 | translat.zip | 24k | 97-07-13 |  | Translat v1.04 (81p -> 82p,82p -> 85p,85p -> 82p) |
 | trnslate.zip | 51k | 00-02-29 |  | Translate-89 This program will translate any TI-89 text file (created from Graph-Link) and translate the commands from English into any one of the five languages available on TI's 89 Flash Upgrade page. |
 | txt282p.zip | 10k | 99-12-31 |  | Txt282p Converts an ASCII text file into a TI-82 program file for use with TxtView |
 | txt289t.zip | 7k | 99-09-20 |  | Txt289T Convert ascii text to 89t and 92t files. |
 | txtto89.zip | 23k | 99-03-03 |  | TxtTo89 v1.0 Convert an ascii file to an 89 Text |
 | ungroup.zip | 11k | 97-07-14 |  | Ungroups TI-85 (85G) group files |
 | uud20.zip | 1k | 97-07-13 |  | Decodes a UUE File |
 | uue20.zip | 1k | 97-07-13 |  | Encodes a TI-81/82/85 Program to a UUE Text File |
 | vmaker.zip | 20k | 00-11-13 |  | Volume Maker for Word Finder A program that allows users to create volumes for Word Finder without having programming knowledge. |
 | wav2db.zip | 10k | 97-08-24 |  | .wav -> .db Converter v1.0 |
 | wave.zip | 26k | 97-10-14 |  | WAVE Utilities for Usgard 1.1 |
 | xcedit.zip | 211k | 98-10-03 |  | XC-1701 II Level Editor v1.60 Graphical editor for XC-1701 II level files |
 | z2maped.zip | 36k | 97-12-07 |  | Zilog 2 Map Editor 1.0 (TI-82) |
 | zsemu.zip | 11k | 97-07-24 |  | TI-85 emulator backup binary with ZShell |
 | zshellem.zip | 11k | 97-07-24 |  | ZShell Image file for TI-85 Emulator v2.0 |