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Last updated Saturday, 19 December 2020
Total downloads 15,547
Most popular file  Physics Equations 1.0 with 7,806 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Files
ionfolder TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Science Programs (Ion)
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tsefolder TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Science Programs (TSE)
codon.zip12k20-12-19File is not ratedCodon Lookup
A pretty basic (in axe) codon translator and lookup program I made for my high school Bio class. It's pretty self-explanatory, though I have no idea how useful it may be to you.
mset.zip6k15-09-06File is not ratedMandelbrot Set Explorer
Explore the Mandelbrot set with glorious 16-bit math* and a monochrome screen! It's fast (for a calc) and offers control over zooming, traversing, and refining calculations, all while displaying relevant values *%=%Math operations are carried out in 4.12 fixed point arithmetic allowing 3.5 decimal digits of accuracy.
physics2.zip1k05-08-26File is not ratedPhysics Equations 1.0
This program has equations for: Acceleration, 2 Different Distance Equations, 2 Different Final Velocity Equations, Speed Equation. More equations to come later.
physics.zip1k14-02-26File is not ratedAP Physics Part I
Gives all the equations for a first semester AP Physics course. Second one will come soon, email me with any questions at jfrules56@gmail.com.
stopwatch.zip26k10-05-10File is not ratedStopwatch (October 1, 2009)
This program uses quartz crystal timers on the TI-83+SE and TI-84s to make a highly accurate stopwatch, useful for scientific purposes in the classroom. The program can automatically save data to a list. It can also be configured to monitor the link port so external parts of an experiment can trigger data points to be recorded. The hardware interface is very simple.
zchem2.zip7k18-11-07File is not ratedzChem2
Fix molar mass of a few elements. zStart was originally included in zChem, but a few molar masses were off.

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