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Solitaire: Klondike and FreeCell (build 1054)


Ranked as 5475 on our all-time top downloads list with 6768 downloads.
Ranked as 2548 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.

Filename solitaire.zip (Download)
Title Solitaire: Klondike and FreeCell (build 1054)
Description The classic, old-school Windows card games, now on your calculator!
Author Ander D'nar (DrDnar@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Flash Games
File Size 133,029 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jan 11 21:51:10 2015
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Seth Schalinske
Reviewed on 2014-03-30
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

This App is an excellent demonstration of what the Ti84+CSE is capable of. It runs well and is very entertaining. I have played both the FreeCell and Klondike versions and they both run very well. It is just like the classic Windows game we all know and love, however this one is slightly different from other solitaire versions I have seen on the Ti84, it doesn't use mouse navigation. while it would be a nice option, it is by no means a game-breaker.

Final Score: 99/100


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   18222
solitaire.8ck   39010
source/backing.mfefont   82662
source/build.bat   239
source/build_number.asm   85
source/cards.asm   39461
source/clubs.mfefont   53688
source/data.asm   37024
source/equates.asm   19486
source/font.asm   37247
source/font.mfefont   24554
source/freecell.asm   21265
source/gui.asm   13779
source/input.png   4442
source/interrupts.asm   4792
source/keyboard.asm   6367
source/klondike.asm   26394
source/lcd.asm   12292
source/little.mfefont   16396
source/mainmenu.asm   21795
source/solitaire.asm   23393
source/SpritesConverter.cs   3803
source/text.asm   11171
source/ti84pcse.inc   120772
source/utility.asm   6377

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