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CALCnet2.2 SpeedTest 1.0


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Filename cn2_speedtest.zip (Download)
Title CALCnet2.2 SpeedTest 1.0
Description You can use SpeedTest 1.0 to benchmark the maximum speed transmission capabilities of CALCnet 2.2 between two linked calculators. SpeedTest supports two types of tests. The first, unidirectional, sets one calculator as the transmitter and one as the receiver. The transmitter then repeatedly sends frames to the receiver, and both count the number of bytes transferred. The second, bidirectional, lets the two calculators take turns being the sender and receiver. The sender will send a frame to the receiver, and when the receiver successfully reads the frame, it will send a frame back to the first calculator. Both calculators count the number of bytes sent and received. You can read more about CALCnet2.2 at http://www.cemetech.net/projects/item.php?id=33 .
Author Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs (Doors CS)
File Size 5,400 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 7 19:13:08 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   3625
speedtst.8xp   1041
speedtst.asm   11469

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