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Ranked as 28610 on our all-time top downloads list with 2012 downloads.
Ranked as 9920 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename supaplex.zip (Download)
Title Supaplex
Description suaplex, a port of the original builder-dash DOS game released back in 1991 is now availible for your calulator. the perfect replacement for your i386. the package includes full source code (7k lines of code), 17 levels, and all tools i used to create the levels. due lack of interest, the game is not finished, but it is in very releasable state. supaplex is freeware and is available for linux, windows, and DOS.
Author stefan dessens (stefan.dessens@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Games
File Size 668,636 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Apr 19 07:43:27 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Elyassin mana
Reviewed on 2018-02-10
Wow ! Very good game !

Speed : 9/10

Graphics : 9/10 (in brainman it's a bit mixed)

Levels : 3/10 ; only 17 levels :(

Overall : 7/10 ; it's a very good game

Can I use the code for make a huge app and put all 111 levels ? (I have a TI-84+SE)


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Supaplex/003.z80   6432
Supaplex/AI sprites.z80   901
Supaplex/AI.z80   13993
Supaplex/app.bat   47
Supaplex/app.inc   2731
Supaplex/appvar.z80   1575
Supaplex/charset.z80   1739
Supaplex/compress.z80   10957
Supaplex/compressed/001.z80   666
Supaplex/compressed/002.z80   1214
Supaplex/compressed/003.z80   1498
Supaplex/compressed/004.z80   1632
Supaplex/compressed/005.z80   1816
Supaplex/compressed/006.z80   1298
Supaplex/compressed/007.z80   1276
Supaplex/compressed/008.z80   2116
Supaplex/compressed/009.z80   340
Supaplex/compressed/010.z80   1758
Supaplex/compressed/012.z80   1762
Supaplex/compressed/013.z80   2096
Supaplex/compressed/038.z80   1406
Supaplex/compressed/059.z80   1472
Supaplex/compressed/100.z80   424
Supaplex/compressed/109.z80   966
Supaplex/compressed/110.z80   348
Supaplex/compressed/111.z80   2360
Supaplex/data.z80   4204
Supaplex/decompress.z80   4203
Supaplex/fastcopy.z80   5843
Supaplex/items.z80   4796
Supaplex/level files/AI.gbr   10069
Supaplex/level files/charset.gbr   10069
Supaplex/level files/FILE_ID.DIZ   192
Supaplex/level files/GBMB.CNT   1381
Supaplex/level files/GBMB.EXE   504320
Supaplex/level files/GBMB.HLP   49948
Supaplex/level files/gbmb.ini   104
Supaplex/level files/GBTD.CNT   1436
Supaplex/level files/GBTD.EXE   470528
Supaplex/level files/GBTD.HLP   56737
Supaplex/level files/gbtd.ini   325
Supaplex/level files/level 0 template.gbm   5760
Supaplex/level files/level 1 WARM UP.gbm   5616
Supaplex/level files/level 10 EASY COME, EASY GO!.gbm   5124
Supaplex/level files/level 109 UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS.gbm   5616
Supaplex/level files/level 111 BRAINMAN! v2.gbm   5124
Supaplex/level files/level 111 BRAINMAN!.gbm   5616
Supaplex/level files/level 12 IGNORE THEM.gbm   5616
Supaplex/level files/level 13 ANONYMOUS.gbm   5616
Supaplex/level files/level 2 EXIT.gbm   5124
Supaplex/level files/level 3 STONE AGE.gbm   5124
Supaplex/level files/level 38 BOMOB TASTIC.gbm   5124
Supaplex/level files/level 4 COLLECTOR.gbm   5124
Supaplex/level files/level 5 EASY DEAL.gbm   5616
Supaplex/level files/level 59 VICE -.gbm   5616
Supaplex/level files/level 6 DOWN THEY FALL!.gbm   5616
Supaplex/level files/level 7 GO THROUGH !.gbm   5760
Supaplex/level files/level 8 GET THOSE TOO!!.gbm   5124
Supaplex/level files/murphy.gbr   10069
Supaplex/level files/README.TXT   6864
Supaplex/level files/tileset.gbr   10069
Supaplex/levels/001.z80   6430
Supaplex/levels/002.z80   6430
Supaplex/levels/003.z80   6430
Supaplex/levels/004.z80   6430
Supaplex/levels/005.z80   6430
Supaplex/levels/006.z80   6430
Supaplex/levels/007.z80   6430
Supaplex/levels/008.z80   6430
Supaplex/levels/010.z80   6434
Supaplex/levels/012.z80   6434
Supaplex/levels/013.z80   6434
Supaplex/levels/038.z80   6434
Supaplex/levels/059.z80   6434
Supaplex/levels/109.z80   6438
Supaplex/levels/110.z80   6432
Supaplex/levels/111.z80   6438
Supaplex/levels/compress.cpp   5089
Supaplex/levels/compress.exe   21944
Supaplex/levels.bat   449
Supaplex/levels.z80   8331
Supaplex/levelset.z80   284
Supaplex/menu.z80   5450
Supaplex/murphy.z80   924
Supaplex/README.txt   1268
Supaplex/relocate.inc   468
Supaplex/scroll.z80   6787
Supaplex/sprite.z80   4589
Supaplex/startup.z80   7095
Supaplex/supaplex.8xk   34677
Supaplex/supaplex.z80   8396
Supaplex/table.bat   233
Supaplex/table.z80   6011
Supaplex/TI83PLUS.inc   35761
Supaplex/ti83plusAsm.inc   111649
Supaplex/tile.z80   10806
Supaplex/tilemap.z80   6438
Supaplex/tilesprites.z80   1532
Supaplex/titlescreen.bmp   830

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