7G v3.0
Ranked as 566 on our all-time top downloads list with 24135 downloads. Ranked as 31642 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads. Ranked as 511 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.46.
Review by
John Wyrwas
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 I'll keep it on my calculator. Controls: 5/10 Confusing at start up screen. Implementation: 8/10 Includes levels of difficulty. Overall: 7/10 One of the *better* tunnel games.
7g is not just another tunnel game for the 83. Actually, it is the most advanced tunnel game available (except for Phoenix, of course). Unlike the others, your ship is traveling sideways and has to avoid randomly placed "mines".
At game start, you select a level of difficultly from 1-5 and a speed from 1-5. The way of selecting this is confusing since it displays 1<-3->5 somehow suggeseting that you use the arrow keys to change the option, rather that just pressing the number you want on the keypad. Another confusing use of keys is at takeoff, you need to use the forward arrow key to take off from you launch station.
Graphics are good, and add a theme to the game. Well made.
7g is a good game to compete against your friends for a high score, and will use up some mindless time. |
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Archive Contents
MIRAGE7G.8XP | 1851 |
MIRAGE7G.asm | 11983 |
MIRAGE7G.txt | 4512 |