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This entire website is generated by our self-written program HTMLWiz based on a HTML-template. This template was tested using the two major browser and the most common resolutions:
  • Netscape Communicator 4.7 at 800x600 and 1024x768
  • MIE 5.0 at 1024x768 and 1152x864

During the tests, we didn't experience any problems at all. Unfortunately, some stuff is displayed differently depending on the browser you use, but in general, everything looks correctly.

However, if you find some strange bug, please support@icarus.ticalc.org, so we can fix it.

Note: we also make extensive usage of style sheets, which are supported by these two browsers. If your browser isn't CSS1 compatible, you shoud consider downloading a new one.

Page last updated on Wed Feb 02 11:12:26 2000 E-mail us!Top of page